Annual Lunch

We hold an Annual Lunch, normally on the same weekend as the KCLA Alumni Weekend in June. This is a chance for past King's Engineering Alumni to get together and see what's going on in the College over a Lunch.

In 2019 the Lunch was to be held on Saturday 13th June on the 8th Floor of Bush House. This had to be postponed until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

We are pleased to announce that the Annual Lunch returned to Saturday 10th June in 2023 as usual again. We had a great lunch and photos can be found via our Linktree link:

This year's date for the Annual Lunch is Saturday 8th June 2024. A booking form for this has been sent to all known alumni by the KCLA. If you have a special anniversary of leaving, let us know and we may be able to arrange a table of other Engineers who left that year. 

Look forward to seeing you there.